Friday, June 6, 2008


Hello friends!

I certainly have been slacking on the posts, not to say that I have not been creating a lot of images - I just have had very few rolls developed and even fewer scanned.

I am in Hawaii now for the rest of the month and I did not even pack my digital camera - which is a first for my Hawaii trips. All I brought with me was my Nikon FM-10 (manual 35mm) and my Mamiya 645 (manual medium format). After Hawaii it is off to San Francisco at the beginning of July, I will hopefully get a few rolls developed and scanned there.

For now, enjoy this shot taken by my dad. This is me on a paddleboard in Kaneohe Bay, a paddleboard is like a surfboard but is almost 13 feet in length and much thicker. You stand up on it and use a paddle to propel yourself.


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