Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well Hello There

What a year it has been thus far, here is a brief synopsis in bullet form:

- Off to a busy start.
- Lots of studio time recording great musicians.
- Countless hours playing and watching basketball.
- SXSW (!!!!!), 43 bands in 4 days on crutches mind you.
- Photos in Recording Magazine.
- True love lost.
- Two page spread in 48HR magazine!
- Way too many airports.
- Lots of documentary/production work.
- Analog photo = 97.25%; digital photo = 2.75%

So much more really, but my focus this year has been on being offline, creating images by hand and building my body of work. Hence, this place has become rather neglected, and soon it is going to be sealed as a memorial of moments passed. I have created a mountain of work this year and am in the process of putting together a proper way for it to be viewed.

In the meantime, here are a few contact sheets for you to enjoy...

PEACE to you all!