Monday, March 9, 2009


I have been accumulating some black and white film at home over the last few months and over the weekend finally broke down and bought some chemistry. I developed a roll last night with some shots from xmas time. The image below was taken on xmas eve when I went on a hiking adventure with the Soulmates, a dedicated crew of hiking fanatics on Oahu.
I really did almost die on this trip. We were hiking to the Makapu'u tide pools - which are absolutely gorgeous. The surf report indicated a high surf advisory, but we were hiking at low tide so a group of decided to make the trek around the cliff-hewn lava coastline, giant waves smashing all around us. We got to one point where the cliff cut into the coastline so much that one section had become like a waterslide, slick lava rock that shot straight down into a washing machine of a break. So, of course as I am traversing this harry spot, a huge breaker popped out of the ocean and slammed me into the rock. I braced myself on all fours but started sliding down the slick rock, I managed to find some traction and hold on, barely getting out of trouble before the next wave of the set rolled in. It was a pretty harrowing experience, because if I would have slid down there was no way I was going to make it...
PEACE to you all!

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