Saturday, January 24, 2009

Let It Begin

The image below is the start of a series I have been visualizing for a while now. All the pieces are in place, I think, to get my idea off the ground. The details of the project are going to be kept hush hush, but this first light test got me pretty excited - a long ways to go, but a great first step.

Of course, for the most part I am a purist and there is no photoshop manipulation, everything was done on camera. The actual series will all be medium format, not sure black and white or color yet.

PEACE to you all!

1 comment: said...

Oi oi Friend of Friends!
Really liking a lot of these shots (the Poe tribute was lovely / super light-work in the double of you sitting in the chair...fucking amazing)!

Anyway, hope all's well out there! Will type at you all proper soon soon soon...