Saturday, August 9, 2008

I am alive, and still making images!!!

I think it is just hitting me that I have been on the road now for two months, both Magera and I living out of our suitcases and crashing with friends and family. We spent the entire month of June in Hawaii, which buzzed by WAY to fast. Then, from there we flew to San Francisco to spend a week and try to find a place - which we accomplished. From there it was off to Austin to stay for two weeks at the Co-Op. After two weeks in Texas it was time for a road trip, so Magera, our friend Camilla and I hopped into our whip (UHAUL) and drove across country, taking our time and hanging out in Santa Fe and Phoenix.

But now, we are home. Nestled into a lovely brownstone chock full of history right smack in the middle of San Francisco's coolest neighborhood, the Haight.

So many stories to tell from this past two months, and so many images! I think a fundamental change has occurred in me in the way that I create images. I no longer see an image as a string of 1's and 0's, the photograph is now to me a very physical thing. Negatives and prints filling up boxes and notebooks, tangible items that can be handed down for generations, not just a few integers on a memory card. While we were in Austin I spent every night in the darkroom often working myself into exhaustion during the wee hours of the morning developing film, making contact sheets, and making prints. I would spend hours crafting a single image - really making a truly personal connection with it, not just moving a few sliders with the mouse.

Aside from the rant here are a few images from the light table. The quality is poor, as I just laid down a few slide negatives onto the table and snapped a few pics (yes, with the digital, HA!). These shots were all from Hawaii, if you look closely at the second one (the jellyfish shots), you can see one of digital's major downfalls - the inability to handle absolute color. When I was shooting a lot of live music, I would always run into this problem when the stage lighting would be purely red, blue, orange or purple.

Anyways, I have about 20 more rolls from Hawaii, Austin, San Francisco and the road trip that still need to be processed, hopefully I will be purchasing a scanner soon and posting some images.

PEACE to you all!

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