Les Savy Fav ROCKS my world.
Ilford Delta Pro 3200 film, developed by hand. Shot at FFF in Austin...
PEACE to you all!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pants Party
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Death Is The Most Important Band You Have Never Heard Of
Originally comprised of the three Hackney brothers - Bobby, Dannis and David, the band Death has to be the greatest musical re-discovery in recent history. Punk without even knowing it both sonically and symbolically, Death was doomed to obscurity when refusing Clive Davis' (of Columbia Records) request that they change their name. They pressed 500 copies of a 7 song EP on their own Tryangle records then disbanded the band by moving away from Detroit.
Brother David passed of cancer in 2000, but before his passing he urged his brothers to hold on to the master tapes, as one day "the world would coming looking for them."
David's prediction came true and more than thirty years later, thanks to the help of Drag City records, Death has been resurrected in the form of re-issue of the original 7 song EP, …For The Whole World To See. Death has since enjoyed a new found and quite unexpected bit of fame, the New York Times called them "the band that was punk before punk was punk," and Mos Def has a documentary about them in the works.
Uber hip music festival Fun Fun Fun in Austin hosted one of their select few reunion shows, I was lucky enough to hang with the guys before they hit the stage and shoot their set. Links to music and articles after the (hand developed)photos.Listen to "Politicians in my eyes."
NYT Article.
Guardian UK.
Mos Def doco.
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
10:01 AM
Labels: 35mm, austin, documentary, funfunfun, meowpoww, music, promotional, travel
Monday, November 30, 2009
OK - this past Thanksgiving was the most random holiday of my life. Unfortunately I cannot divulge how the following went down, but in a nutshell a friend of ours decided to see what being tased felt like. Big D took it like a man - standing up for 5 seconds. I cannot say the same for when we got tased for a mere 3 seconds.
Posted by
12:41 PM
Labels: documentary, friends, los angeles, travel, video, wtf
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dread Zeppelin
Say hello to John, he is from Minnesota and likes Coca Cola, American Baseball, the band Yes, and meeting new people. While shooting the sunset he came up and said - "Hey, want a picture of something you have never seen before?"
Posted by
10:08 AM
Labels: los angeles, portraiture, sunset, travel, wtf
Saturday, November 14, 2009
FFF Film 09 1
Fun Fun Fun, quite possibly my favorite music event of the year went down last weekend. This is the third year I have shot FFF for Skope Mag and Meow Poww Media, and every year it gets better. Growing so weary of digital, I shot mostly film this year - lots of black and white which I have yet to process and a few rolls of C41 and E6. The C41 I sent to the lab and unfortunately the entire roll is underexposed - my fault, changed film too fast and had the ISO set in manual at a stop under the rating of the film. However, just got the E6 roll back from the lab and I am pretty excited. Next week I will do a full FFF recap and write up, but for now here are my favorite shots - 7 shots out of a 36 exposure roll, not a bad hit rate. Many more photos - film and (bleh) digital.A wide view of the Metal stage, which every year is the only stage without a photopit, so to get shots for this stage I have to stand in the crowd with a telephoto.
Random hero tuning up before going on stage. With festivals like this, there are so many artists around there is no way you can know who everybody is.
Random backstage action.
Living the High Life.
Russian Circles KILLING it.
So far, this is my favorite shot from the festival. One of the dude's from Sugar and Gold.
Focus was a bit soft here, was literally running to another stage when I noticed this blind cat who was JAMMING on the side of the stage. Snapped a shot of him, then came back to the stage later to find he was the keyboardist and singer of the band Foot Patrol - who VM Black describes as "Austin’s favorite foot fetish funk group." Can hardly explain how amazing they were, will type more on them later.
PEACE to you all!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Home Sweet Home
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10:19 AM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, documentary, san francisco, series
Friday, October 16, 2009
Maui Rollin
Was in Maui for a day helping a friend trying to find a new place and we found this gem (actually there was two of them) parked out front of one of the apartment complexes we looked at. One day I would love to do a photo story on the real Hawaii - it's not all mai tai's and luaus. Thanks to the perfect weather and the tremendous high cost of living, there is staggering poverty and drug abuse. Here is a great photo story on the tent cities of Waianae.
Posted by
10:21 AM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Out of the Shadows
Captured this one with my handy little Petri 35mm camera, C41 developed by hand. To get the funky print look around the register, I used artists tape to tape the strip of negs to the scanner's glass instead of using the crappy neg carrier that came with the scanner.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, photo story, san francisco
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Back In Action
Thanks to the loving generosity of a wonderful friend - I am now the proud owner of a very unique camera, the Zeiss-Ikon 510/2 - also called the Bob 510/2. So many things make this camera so special, first it was made in 1936 and for being 72 years old it is in fantastic shape (it was purchased from the original owner in a small coastal Spanish town). It uses 120 (medium format), which is very common and should (fingers crossed) be produced for many years to come.
It came with this cool leather carrying case which is also in fantastic shape for it's age, inside I keep a notebook, pen, and some exposure charts. Because there is no exposure meter built in, the aforementioned exposure charts are pretty crucial, unless you just want to wing the exposure. Each snap of the shutter I write down the shutter speed, f stop, focus distance, and scene details. Definitely not a rapid approach to photography, but certainly a record for a lifetime. As you can see the shutter speed options are quite limited - 1/25, 1/75, Bulb (open as long as shutter is depressed), and Time (first depression opens, second depression closes), so obviously you won't be stopping much motion with this thing. However, it is quite perfect for long exposures using the Time setting, helpful to have a timer around.
To me the best part of the camera is the aspect ratio, which is 6x9! Pretty amazing for such a small camera, later versions went to the traditional square medium format (6x6). Below you can see that the negative from this thing is nearly 4 times the size of a standard 35mm - talk about resolution. However, this only yields 8 images per roll.
So far I have put three rolls of film through, and last night I developed a batch of C41 film by hand. Unfortunately, 2 rolls were damaged - partly to user error and partly because the new Kodak 400NC film stock really is horrible, very flimsy and hard to load, does not help I use a stainless steel 220 reel (always doing things the hard way). The surviving roll yielded an image I would like to share. Made this one on the platform of Civic Center BART - f/22, distance at infiniti, and winged it on the shutter time as the train sped by. As a 'side note,' which is equally exciting and inspiring - I now have a new laptop! Lots of cool shoots and travel are coming up in the near future, so hopefully I will step up the blog posts.
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
8:59 PM
Labels: DIY, mediumformat, san francisco, travel
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dear Thief -
To the person who broke into my home and stole my laptop, video camera, medium format camera, cash and my ipod:
"If you stole from me to feed yourself or your family - may you and your family forever be blessed with an abundance of food and never go hungry again.
If you stole to feed an addiction, drugs or Alcohol, then may God (or the Universe, or Shiva, Or Bhudda, or Muhammed - whatever your bag) illumine you with light and knowledge that self realization and enlightenment cannot be obtained through substances."
So, obviously I am pretty out of touch right now with the vast majority of my creative tools having been lifted from my possession. Things here then will be quiet for some time.
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
10:22 AM
Labels: san francisco, wtf
Monday, August 17, 2009
JC Wears Shades
Have been working hard the past few weeks preparing for yesterday/lastnight's very special live recording. At the moment not at liberty to discuss the details of the project, but can say it was held at a VERY cool converted Pentacostal church and featured more artists and instruments than I could count on two hands. JC is too cool.
Remarc makin' deals.
My corner of the world.
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
6:15 PM
Labels: documentary, music, san francisco, wtf
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Busy busy!
Been locked in the studio lately and have had little time to transmit digitally. Currently producing a VERY rad new artist and also preparing for a very large and unique live CD recording coming up this weekend. Been so busy in the studio, haven't even had time to hook up all the new toys seen below...
Posted by
10:27 AM
Labels: music, rant, san francisco
Monday, July 27, 2009
Starting to stretch myself pretty thin these days - working on so many projects, there are just so many stories I want to tell. A goal of mine this week is to really prioritize everything I am working on so my creative time is used more efficiently. One thing that is on the top of my priority list is to finish the trailer for documentary I am making about Mother's Kitchen, where I volunteer. Here is a screenshot from the cutting room floor.
Posted by
10:57 AM
Labels: DIY, documentary, doinggood, san francisco, series
Monday, July 20, 2009
5 Questions Trailer
Keep in mind that I am not a videographer, nor a video editor. However, there are a lot of stories I want to tell that cannot be told with still images alone. So, I taught myself how to operate a video camera and final cut in an evening - shot all this yesterday and just put together a trailer. The thought of the project, and who knows how far it will go - is to ask someone on the streets five questions.
Chris is a Haight street regular, and a stand up guy. The music and overall theme of the trailer is upbeat - because Chris is a very positive person. He has been through a lot especially recently, but he just keeps going in the face of adversity. For a while he was running an internet radio station from a laptop during the day and sleeping in the park at night. He had to sell the domain and the radio station to buy food and supplies. His laptop was recently stolen from him while he was sleeping in the park.
5 Questions Trailer, Chris from Ryan Chahanovich on Vimeo.
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
9:21 AM
Labels: documentary, san francisco, series, video
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Moon, My Love
To achieve the effect on the print below, I used an Anti-Newton Glass 4x5 carrier and used blue artists tape to mask off a custom frame.Moon, Crouched
Chromogenic Print, 1/2, Hand Developed by the Artist
Not for Sale
PEACE to you all!
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: austin, DIY, mediumformat, portraiture, san francisco
Monday, July 13, 2009
Testing 1,2,3
While the love of my life is off traveling half way around the world - I have decided to confine myself to the darkroom for the next month. This is a test strip from a print I ran on Saturday. PEACE to you all!
Posted by
7:14 PM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, rant, san francisco
Friday, July 10, 2009
This is why I love film, there are things that can happen that are truly impossible to reproduce. Ultimately, this is a flawed photograph, my reel was a little wet which caused parts of the roll to stick to itself. But, to me it is beauty. This was a roll of Fuji Velvia 50, which I pushed to 100 and cross processed as C41 - developed by hand. Not sure what band this is, although I know that is Dr. Octagon's MC off to the right.PEACE to you all!
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: austin, DIY, funfunfun, mediumformat, meowpoww, travel
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Not Film
Found some materials on the street corner yesterday when I was walking home from the bike shop. The results of the light test with the found items are interesting, I figured since I was shooting digital and it's not really real anyways, that I could push a few settings a bit.PEACE to you all!
Posted by
9:13 AM
Labels: rant, san francisco
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Fresh Batch
Spent about 3 hours on Monday evening developing seven rolls of film, then spent a subsequent 3 hours yesterday morning cutting, sleeving and scanning. I am pretty stoked on the results, but probably won't post to many of them here. Hand developing film makes the connection to the images so very personal to me, and just scanning many of them does not do the images justice. So, over the next few weeks I will be sneaking into the lab to print them by hand. PEACE to you all!
Posted by
11:05 AM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, mediumformat, rant, san francisco
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Unseen, Continued
In an earlier post I introduced you to those I called the Unseen during Bay to Breakers. Here are a few more images from that series - a few C41 images that I just developed at home.PEACE to you all!
Posted by
12:02 PM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, photo story, rant, san francisco, series
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Love Is a Battlefield
Last night I developed six rolls of color film at home, and just cut and scanned the results. I have a very cheap scanner, so a lot of the images appear to be color shifted but I am pretty sure that that is the annoyingly horrible automatic exposure correction.
The images below I shot back a few months ago when Israel was bombarding Palestine and a large rally was held in downtown SF. I was shooting with my Petri Color35, an old boutique automatic camera from the late 60's. The film as usual, was far past it's date of expiration. PEACE to you all!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, documentary, rant, san francisco
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Screen Snap
Working on a video tutorial on how to develop your own color film at home. My first foray into video and Final Cut Pro has made me realize why I love still images so much :)PEACE to you all!
Posted by
6:50 PM
Labels: 35mm, DIY, mediumformat, rant, san francisco, video
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Here is an outtake from my time in Austin shooting for the Living Canvas series. Troy's backpiece, which was done by the venerable Chris Trevino, is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.PEACE to you all!
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: austin, documentary, livingcanvas, portraiture, promotional, series, travel
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Full Disclosure
A screenshot of my workspace - busy day today, 3 shoots and started working on my first documentary. PEACE to you all!
Posted by
3:45 PM
Labels: austin, documentary, news, photo story, portraiture, travel
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
In the Fam
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4:42 PM
Labels: austin, livingcanvas, portrait, series, travel
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Posted by
9:04 AM
Labels: livingcanvas, portraiture, san francisco, series